Alice & Zoroku

A group of young girls possesses a mysterious power known as “Alice’s Dream,” which gives them the ability to turn their thoughts into reality. Detained and experimented upon, these youths are locked away in secret until one of them manages to escape. Her name is Sana―a girl with the power to ignore the very laws of physics. When this willful powerhouse crosses paths with a stubborn old man named Zoroku, his carefully-ordered life will never be the same again!

Official English-language publication of the Japanese manga:

アリスと蔵六 | Alice to Zouroku

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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 1
MAKING DREAMS INTO REALITY! A group of young girls possesses a mysterious power known as “Alice’s Dream,” which gives them...
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 2
WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH Sana may have psychic powers, but she has a lot to learn about everyday reality!...
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 3
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NORMAL IS RELATIVE It has been almost six months since Sana was captured. Though she is getting used to life...
Alice & Zoroku Vol. 4
IT'S A MAD WORLD! Sana's looking forward to hanging out with her friends, but before the fun can begin, the...
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 5
TRAPPED IN THE UNDERGROUND! Sana has the power to make anything she imagines a reality, but slowly she’s been learning...
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 6
BRAVE NEW WORLD Japan has been rocked by the revelation that powerful psychic children exist. While everyone else is trying...
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 7
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KING VS. QUEEN! When Sana returns to check on Wonderland, she’s surprised to find someone else living there. King is...
Alice & Zoroku Vol. 8
A MYSTERY FROM THE PAST Long before Sana became a member of Zoroku’s family, he had a wife named Chloe....
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Alice & Zoroku Vol. 9
A FAMILY EMERGENCY After Zoroku is overly harsh with Sana, Sana runs away from home. Now, Zoroku and his granddaughter...
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