A White Rose in Bloom (Manga)

An intriguing yuri manga from the dynamic creator of the modern BL classic Classmates: Dou kyu sei

Official English-language publication of the Japanese manga:

メジロバナの咲く | Mejirobana no Saku

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A White Rose in Bloom Vol. 1
An intriguing yuri manga from the dynamic creator of the modern BL classic Classmates: Dou kyu sei! Ruby is a student...
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A White Rose in Bloom Vol. 2
SCHOOL DAZE Just as Ruby and Steph are starting to become close, Ruby's dad shows up and pulls her out...
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A White Rose in Bloom Vol. 3
SISTERLY LOVE? Liz thinks back on the day when Steph first showed up at her home. From that first moment,...
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