Seven Seas Licenses SUMMER GHOST Light Novel and Manga Omnibus
Seven Seas Entertainment is thrilled to announce the license acquisition of the light novel and manga Summer Ghost by Otsuichi, loundraw, and Yoshi Inomi—both based on the critically acclaimed animated short film about three high schoolers’ supernatural coming-of-age. The entire two-volume manga series will be released in English in one omnibus edition.
There’s an urban legend that claims the ghost of a young woman will appear if you set off fireworks in a certain abandoned airport. Three high school students are united by their shared desire to meet this ghost–and each of them is close to death. What happens when they come together one fateful summer night as the boundary between life and death grows thin?
Summer Ghost (Light Novel) will be released for the first time in North America in August 2023 for $14.99 USA / $18.99 CAN, with the book available in print and on digital platforms in a single large-trim edition as part of Seven Seas’ Airship imprint.
Summer Ghost: The Complete Manga Collection will be released for the first time in North America in August 2023 for $20.99 USA / $27.99 CAN, with the book available in print and on digital platforms in an omnibus edition.